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Donec elit nulla, pulvinar nec porta sed, hendrerit eget metus. Suspendisse porttitor ligula non felis volutpat pretium? Praesent laoreet nisl a eros ultricies in lacinia

With the advent of Ubuntu 11.10 out, I decided to splash right in and check out the new programs in the default line - up. DejaDup Backup is a simple, but powerful, backup utility. Let's face it, we all have that one story of how our computer crashed and we lost important data, but most computer users probably still don't backup as often as they should.

DDB is quite functional, if lacking flare and flash. Essentially, you have the option of turning on automatic backups or doing it manually. You can choose to make backups on an external drive or USB or send it to the cloud a la UbuntuOne.

You then have the option of choosing which folders you'd like to include or exclude in the backup. Finally, if you have automatic backups turned on, you can choose the frequency you want to backup (daily, weekly, every two weeks, and monthly) and how long you would like to keep previous backups.

This backup tool is wonderfully simple and easy to use. I love it's straightforwardness and I can't think of anything wrong with it. No broken functionality, no weird GUI hell, no bevy of unwanted features or performance degradation. What it lacks in flashy features it more than makes up for in ease of use. To make this short: this is the only backup utility you will ever need.


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